Northern California

What better way to end summer than vacationing in Northern California with friends and family? We were able to fit in a bit of everything- from wine tasting, to visiting the redwood forests, to even spotting some seals from  the coast. It was spectacular, to say the least.

First Magazine Cover

For a collaborative project at school, my photography class partnered with writers and a couple graphic designers to create first edition of THOM, a semi-annual magazine for the Thomasville Center of the Arts. As a group we spent two weekends traveling to the town of Thomasville, getting to know the area and the people. I was chosen to photograph the story spotlighting one of the locals, Charlie Whitney. As a great surprise at the end, one of the photographs that I had taken at his home was chosen for the cover of the magazine as well! It is my first magazine cover in print.

Experimenting With Film Photography

Lately I've introduced myself to the world of film photography. I never imagined how meditative the process of working in the darkroom could be. Still working out some kinks, but this is my first series, of many to come.   For these images, I drew inspiration from lost places and forgotten things. The idea of "lost" has always fascinated me, most likely driven by my sense of discovery (which has always pushed me into unusual places). To me, re-discovering lost territory is like looking into the past, and into another world.   Look for more to come!

Time Study

Even with perfect vision, sometimes our eyes can’t fully comprehend what they’re seeing. For this series, I wanted to use photography as a tool to photograph a process that happens too quickly for our eyes to fully understand.

Unexpected Places

Lately I've been playing off the concept of unusual combinations.  For this series I decided to work with balloons in unexpected or unusual areas. Usually we associate balloons with special occasions, parties and crowds, so to contrast I searched Atlanta for spaces that seemed empty or forgotten. It was an unusual experience walking around Atlanta with my camera and a bundle of balloons... definitely sparked a couple of conversations.