
$20 Dinner With Jarrett Stieber

This month I had the pleasure to photograph a cover story for Creative Loafing featuring Chef Jarrett Stieber from Atlanta's Eat Me Speak Me. I always enjoy these types of assignments the most, both for the diversity of images and because it feels almost like a collaboration between me and whoever I am photographing. For this story, Jarrett prepared a full dinner for under $20 with food purchased from a local farmers market.

Check out the story, including the recipe to his "Yummy Sauce" (my personal favorite) here.

Colorful Portraits

I've been experimenting more with color schemes lately, which led to the creation of this mini-series of portraits. This was also a retouching exercise- these photos are of my lovely roommates, taken in our kitchen against a blank patch of wall.

Time Study

Even with perfect vision, sometimes our eyes can’t fully comprehend what they’re seeing. For this series, I wanted to use photography as a tool to photograph a process that happens too quickly for our eyes to fully understand.