
Spiritual Retreat in Peru

As I am getting back home from Peru, of the biggest takeaways of my trip was a new understanding of the word “medicine.”

So often we think of medicine solely in terms of western use such as pills or drugs, and only in certain contexts do we ever hear the term medicine man or medicine woman and understand what that actually means.

This trip has truly opened my eyes to what medicine truly is. It is anything that brings you back to your true essence, back to yourself.

Confidence is medicine. Love is medicine. Wisdom from plant and animal spirits are medicine. Good company is medicine. Music is medicine.

We all have different medicines to share. Some people are here to inspire, some are here to heal, others are here to act as a mirror for others to see their true nature. During this trip, I received the medicine of accomplishment, nourishment, and a sense of belonging. The medicine I was asked to provide was laughter, compassion, and peace. With great reverence I hold these sacred gifts, these medicines, to invite you both to partake and hear the call to share your own with the world as it so dearly needs during this time.

Hong Kong, Part 3

Visiting the Mongkok Goldfish Market, Flower Market, and Bird Market were some of our last stops in Hong Kong before wrapping up exhibition presentations and heading back home to Georgia. These markets, which open to the streets throughout the city, span quite a distance and attract both tourists and locals. The goldfish market was remarkable, it included an array of goldfish spanning from the size of a thumbnail to half a foot across. The smaller fish were displayed hanging in water bags along Tung Choi Street in the entrances to the shops, with the larger fish in tanks in the exterior. Aside from just goldfish, reptiles, crustaceans, and any other kind of aquatic species you can think of can also be found here, as well as numerous shops solely dedicated to aquarium care. The flower market, easy enough to find with it's location on Flower Market Road, was full of locals buying flowers for graduations and summer weddings. The quantity of florals to choose from was impressive as well, ranging in every color and texture you could imagine. Our last stop, the bird market, was located in a garden adjacent to the flower market. Here, vendors sold not only birds but exquisite cages, food, and toys.


Hong Kong, Part 1

Recently I was lucky enough to be selected for an exclusive artist's trip to Hong Kong, somewhere that throughout all of my previous travels I had never set foot in before. The beauty of the city instantly hit me. I had imagined that although larger in scale, it would be more or less similar to the experiences I had in other cities such as New York or Berlin (like the overwhelming traffic on the streets and in the subway and general city grime). I was surprised to discover that this was barely the case- what struck me first was how outstandingly kind and polite the people were and how clean the city was by comparison, as well as the ease of getting around. All of my expectations immediately went out the window, leaving room for refreshing new impressions to take their place. After being here just under a week, I can confidently say that I've only become lost once! 

One of the treasures I value most about the city is the balance of the urban bustle and serenity. While this is something that can be found in many places across the globe, I find that in Hong Kong this balance does not have to be sought out, and instead it presents itself minute by minute. A 7-Eleven can be found on most any street corner, busy or not, but gardens and temples are also nestled throughout those same streets. The beaches are beautiful, peaceful, and tropical, but even on the surrounding islands there is still free Wi-fi to be found in local cafes and cityscapes that can be seen in the distance. 

To see what my teammates are doing search #HKX15 (Hong Kong Experience 2015)! Check back soon for more photos and updates.